Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Court Ordered Drug Rehabilitation Is an Option in Florida

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the annual overall cost of drug abuse in the United States is around $600 billion. This includes costs for lost productivity, crime, and health issues. At Addiction Recovery Legal Services our goal is to get addicts into treatment so they can regain their health and productivity. In some cases forced drug treatment is the only option.

When Rehabilitation is Unsuccessful

Some people enter rehab, but don't take it seriously or leave before completing the rehabilitation program. Others successfully complete rehab but then suffer a relapse of their addiction. After rehab fails, some addicts conclude that rehab can never work, but that is not necessarily so. In some cases a different rehabilitation program or a fundamental change in desire to get clean can make all the difference.

When Is Forced Drug Treatment Appropriate?

If a person's life is controlled by addiction, and if that person has lost the ability to make rational decisions due to addiction, he or she may be a candidate for court ordered rehabilitation. In Florida, the Marchman Act provides a way for family members or loved ones to legally compel an addict to get treatment or face incarceration. Sometimes this is the only way to get someone with a severe addiction into treatment.

The Marchman Act and Court Ordered DrugRehabilitation

Under the Marchman Act, you can appeal to the court to order assessment and make a recommendation as to whether forced drug rehabilitation is appropriate for a loved one with a serious addiction. Most people find the process much easier when they work with an attorney experienced in Marchman Act hearings.

You Do Have Somewhere to Turn

Cocaine, heroin, barbiturates, meth, benzodiazepines, and alcohol can cause deadly addictions. At Addiction Recovery Legal Services we are ready to help you make use of the Marchman Act to compel your loved one to get what may be lifesaving addiction treatment. You may feel like you have tried everything and have nowhere to turn, but you may be able to finally get your loved one into treatment with the help of the courts.

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