Wednesday, March 6, 2013

When Juveniles Need Court Ordered Addiction Treatment

Marchman Act provides a way for the court to order drug treatment for those who refuse addiction treatment, including juveniles. If your child or a juvenile loved one needs addiction treatment but has refused it, you may begin the Marchman Act procedure at your County Clerk's office. Be aware that clerk's office personnel cannot provide legal advice. Addiction Recovery Legal Services is a legal firm with extensive experience guiding petitioners through the Marchman procedure.

Completing and Serving the Marchman Petition

Once you receive the Marchman package and complete the paperwork, you pay a fee to have the Sheriff's office serve the respondent, who is the juvenile you believe requires court ordered drug treatment. The Sheriff's office will serve the respondent, and the County Clerk provides you with a copy of the petition and notice of the Assessment and Stabilization Hearing.

The Assessment and Stabilization Hearing

At the Assessment and Stabilization Hearing, evidence in the case is heard, and the court General Manager prepares a report and recommendation for an Order or Assessment. This Order of Assessment must be signed by a judge for the case to proceed. If the judge grants the petition, the next step is having the respondent scheduled for assessment at a Juvenile Assessment Receiving Facility.

The Juvenile Assessment Receiving Facility

If your Marchman petition is granted, you may take the respondent to a Juvenile Assessment Receiving Facility (JARF), or you may file paperwork for the Sheriff's office to pick up the respondent and take him or her to a JARF for assessment. A bed in the JARF may not be ready right away. You will need to contact the JARF to find out about first bed availability.

At This Point, Rehabilitation May Be Ordered By the Court

When the respondent is taken to the JARF, he or she is assessed by a physician and other professionals, who determine whether court ordered drug treatment is recommended. If so, arrangements for rehabilitation can be made. At Addiction Recovery Legal Services, we understand the complications of the Marchman process and are available to help you navigate the system on behalf of the juvenile you love who needs help conquering an addiction.

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