Wednesday, June 12, 2013

You Have Legal Options for Getting Help for a Loved One with an Addiction

Court ordered addiction treatment sometimes gets through to addicts when nothing else does. Whether a person's drug of choice is alcohol, cocaine, heroin, or some other substance, when other measures fail, a court order to report to rehab can succeed. At Addiction Recovery Legal Services, LLC, our job is to help families and friends get help for loved ones with life-threatening addictions.

Alcohol Addiction Shortens Lives

According to 2010 figures from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 15,990 people died from alcoholism-related liver disease that year, and the number of non-accident and non-homicide alcohol related deaths was 25,692. Court ordered alcohol abuse assessment is the first step toward getting someone with severe alcohol addiction the help they need. Even if an intervention has failed, court ordered alcohol abuse assessment can work, because the consequences for not complying include incarceration.

Illicit Drugs Can Cause a Rapid Downward Spiral

If you know someone who is addicted to dangerous illicit substances like meth or heroin, you have seen firsthand the damage addiction can do. Addiction to prescription painkillers can also ruin and even end lives. If you're afraid that your loved one's "rock bottom" is death, then you should learn more about court ordered addiction treatment.

You Can Petition for Court Ordered Assessment

Under the Marchman Act, you can petition a county judge to order your loved one to be professionally assessed, and based on the recommendations after the assessment, the addict may be ordered by the court to attend 60 days of rehab. If the person leaves treatment before it's completed, or doesn't report to treatment, he or she can be jailed. The threat of incarceration prompts many addicts to decide to go to treatment willingly.

Court Ordered Treatment May Save Your Loved One's Life

Deciding to use the Marchman Act to help someone you love isn't easy, but sometimes you have no other choice in order to save their life. You do not have to go through the process alone. At Addiction Recovery Legal Services, LLC, we guide worried family members and friends through the process of getting court ordered treatment for those with severe addictions.

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