Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Court Ordered Addiction Rehab Can Change Your Life

Unfortunately, some people become addicted to drugs and alcohol and aren’t able to see the drastic effect these substances have on their life—and the lives of those people around them. Alcohol and drugs can negatively affect the relationships with their family, friends and significant others. It can also ruin their work relationships as well as land them in trouble with the law. When someone’s life is out of control due to addition, they find themselves involved in court ordered addiction rehab.  In many cases, this type of treatment may be the best thing that  happens to addict, because it can allow them get a fresh start and finally overcome their addiction. There are two main types of treatments used, one is administered in a facility and the other is outpatient care.

The 12 Step Program

This program consists of 12 steps that need to be taken by an addict before they are considered to be sufficiently helped to begin their life as a new, non-addicted person. After an addict has completed the program, they are given the tools to continue to attend meetings and work to keep their addiction at bay. This program may work for those addicts who are dealing with involuntary alcohol addiction treatment because they are forced to participate in meetings and talk to others about why they drink and how they can find other outlets instead of alcohol. If used correctly, this type of treatment can be very successful.

Inpatient Care

Another option for care is inpatient treatment. The addict who has been ordered to court ordered addiction rehab will go to a rehab facility for approximately thirty days. It may end up being longer, depending on how severe their case is and how they are after those thirty days. These thirty days revolve around showing the addicted person how they can change their life to not include alcohol or drugs and how to practice abstinence. At times, if necessary, medicine may be administered to help control urges or to detox their bodies.

No matter what type of treatment you choose, making sure to attend your involuntary alcohol addiction treatment and participate fully is imperative to your recovery. Being forced to deal with your problem can be the best thing that’s ever happened to you.

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