Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Employ the Marchman Act When Needed

To see someone you love suffering with an addiction can be one of the most tragic things to endure. You can try to reason with them or schedule an intervention, but sometimes when they are so consumed by their addiction, there is simply no way for them to see that things can change. Luckily, if you want to help, the Marchman Act is available in certain circumstances. This program can change or even save the life of an addict.

What is the Marchman Act?

The Florida Marchman Act is a mechanism that makes way for someone who is suffering from an addiction to be legally forced to participate in rehab.  This rehab is monitored by the court and usually includes long term treatment care. It gives loved ones a way to get the addicted person the help they need, whether they want it or not.

Who Can Enforce the Marchman Act?

If you are the addicts’s spouse or relative you can file to have the Marchman Act put into effect for your loved one.   In addition, if there are three adults that have personal knowledge of the substance abuse, they can come together and file. In the case of a minor, it’s necessary that the minor’s parents or legal guardians is the one to file.

Do You Need Proof?

If you want to force someone into rehab, you must be able to show the courts that the person has lost self-control in relation to their substance abuse. You need to prove that they cannot control their urges and are a danger to themselves and others.  It should be stressed that while it’s important for them to get help, they are unwilling to do so voluntarily. You must demonstrate that they cannot currently make any rational decisions regarding getting treatment for their addictions.

Overcoming an addiction is hard, but it can be done with the right treatment and support.  By employing the Florida Marchman Act, you can make it easier for someone you love to change their life, become a better person and get rid of the addiction that could potentially harm them or others. They may initially be upset or angry with you but they will in time realize you have helped them reclaim their life.

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