Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Common Questions About Broward Court Ordered Addiction Treatment Program

There are four ways involuntary admission can be ordered under the Broward County Marchman Act Admissions procedures. They are:

           ·          Through being taken into protective custody by law enforcement

           ·          Emergency admission to a facility after admission is certified by a physician

           ·          Involuntary admission of a minor by the guardian of the minor

           ·          Assignment to a court ordered addiction treatment program by a judge
When assessment by a qualified professional in accordance with one of these situations shows admission criteria are met, an involuntary treatment petition can be filed with the court.

Can a Police Officer Take an Addict to Jail Without Arresting Him or Her?

A law enforcement officer can detain an adult for the person's own protection in a jail or other detention facility, though this detention is not considered an arrest, and no record of the detention is made as long as the person has not been charged with a crime. The person in charge of the detention facility has to notify the nearest detox service provider within eight hours and must arrange for transportation of the detainee to the facility. The detainee must be medically evaluated within 72 hours.

How Do I Invoke the Broward County Marchman Act in a Medical Emergency?

If your loved one experiences a life-threatening medical emergency due to overdose, withdrawal or other addiction-related problem, it is first handled as a medical emergency. Once the person is stabilized and can be transferred for the purpose of addiction treatment, the Marchman Act may be invoked if the person refuses treatment. You would file your petition in Broward County Circuit Court.

Filing a Marchman Act Petition Seems Complicated. Is Help Available?

Hiring an attorney with experience in Broward court ordered addiction treatment filings is a good idea. Procedures must be followed exactly, and sometimes the loved ones of an addict, who are generally under tremendous stress due to the situation, make mistakes. A technical mistake can derail the entire Marchman Act process. Hiring an experienced attorney can help streamline the process and ensure that all steps are followed to get your loved one the help that he or she needs.

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