Wednesday, April 17, 2013

All Hope Is Not Lost for Your Loved One with an Addiction

The destruction caused by addiction harms more than just the addict. Friends, spouses, children, siblings, and parents can see their entire lives fall apart in the wake of an addict's actions. If someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol, you may think you've run out of options. At Addiction Recovery Legal Services, LLC, our job is to show you that you still have options, and how to exercise them.

When Addicts Are In Denial
Court ordered addiction rehab sounds like a drastic step, and it is. However, for addicts who are in denial about how their addiction harms them and those who love them, court ordered addiction treatment may be the only way to ensure addicts receive treatment. Just because you have not been able to get your loved one into treatment doesn't mean all hope is lost.

When Interventions Don't Work
Sometimes interventions work, and sometimes they fail spectacularly. If you have tried an intervention with an addict you love and it has failed, it doesn't mean that you have failed. Court ordered addiction rehab is still an option, and sometimes addicts lose their denial and voluntarily enter rehab when faced with court ordered addiction treatment. If they don't voluntarily go, the courts may legally compel them to go or face serious consequences.

You Have Legal Options through the Courts
The Marchman Act allows relatives or friends of addicts to petition the court to force an addict into treatment. Before sending an addict to treatment, a judge will order a short term evaluation and await the recommendations from that evaluation. If the professionals who evaluate the addict believe that court ordered addiction treatment is necessary, a judge can send an addict into treatment for at least 60 days.

The Marchaman Act Imposes Real Consequences
The Marchman Act has "teeth." Addicts who leave treatment early or refuse to enter treatment can be incarcerated. Using the Marchman Act to help an addict is a big step, but sometimes it's the only thing you can do. At Addiction Recovery Legal Services, LLC, we have extensive experience helping families and friends help loved ones get the lifesaving treatment they need.

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