Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Health Care Reform Could Affect Marchman Act Cases

According to AP reports, only one cent of every dollar spent on health care in the United States is used for addiction treatment, and only about 10% of Americans struggling with drug or alcohol addiction receive treatment. Health care reform is expected to affect addiction treatment significantly. At Addiction Recovery Legal Services, we can help you understand the process of court-ordered addiction treatment in light of expected changes.

Many More People Could Seek Treatment in 2014
Few health care services will be affected more radically than addiction treatment in 2014 when the Affordable Care Act goes into effect. The current addiction treatment system in the US was built when the understanding of addictions was very different than what medical professionals know today. When the number of insured individuals increases, expect the numbers of people in addiction treatment to increase significantly as a result.

Bed Availability Is Already an Issue in Some Locations
Many treatment facilities remain at or near capacity currently, and one of the snags in the current Marchman Act process for petitioning for court-ordered drug treatment is bed availability when treatment is ordered. At the same time, government budget cuts have led to shrinking treatment facilities, so bed availability issues are expected to worsen as more people are able to seek treatment.

Postponing Helping a Loved One Could Make Things Worse
If someone you love is slowly losing a battle wtih addiction, perhaps it's time to petition the court for forced drug treatment. It's a big step and not to be taken lightly, but waiting can mean the difference between life and death. If nothing else, acting now could help place your loved one on a waiting list before changes in health care laws make those lists even longer.

Do You Need Guidance with Marchman Act Procedures?
If you need help understanding how to use the Marchman Act, working with an attorney experienced in the process can help tremendously. At Addiction Recovery Legal Services, we have been shepherding people through the process for many years and know how to get results under the Marchman Act. If someone you love is crippled by addiction, now may be the best time to act.

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